Bryn Mawr Stories

"In high school I volunteered at DOROT, where I interned this summer, and found a community that is still very close to my heart today. Seeing that Bryn Mawr had so many volunteer initiatives and similar clubs like Adopt-A-Grandparent drew me to the school and ultimately helped me to make my decision to attend Bryn Mawr."

Mysteries of Peru and Machu Picchu
August 13-21, 2025

Discover Denali National Park
July 13-18, 2025

Major Moment: Sofía Díaz ‘26
"Choosing a major does not limit you, rather it gives you skills that you can apply across many fields—so choose what excites and motivates you to learn more!"

Students Learn Physical Computing over Fall Break
"There's just an endless amount of projects one can do with an's the perfect intersection between technology and creativity" - Sean Keenan '20

Navigating Financial Aid
"We’re here to assist and have compiled our best tips to help you navigate the process."

Major Moment: Kit Kringel '27
"I let myself get into what exactly I found interesting from my high school studies—conservation, ecology, sustainable living systems, and international sustainable policy."

Digital Bryn Mawr grant project creates teaching resources on computing
“I definitely want to keep cultivating these data skills.” - Nicole Cavalieri '26

Digital Scholarship Summer Fellows help preserve Germantown history
Not only did I improve my digital skills, but I learned about project management, time management, and communication and presentation skills.

Cotswolds Escape
February 27- March 7, 2025

Cruise the Rhine and Moselle
July 21-29, 2025