Mini-Grant FAQs

Learn more about the Career & Civic Engagement Center Mini-Grants!

Question Answer
When is the deadline to apply for this grant?  Applications must be received by the last day of the spring semester.  Grant applications are only accepted during the academic year.
How much money can I receive from a grant? The maximum amount of money awarded is $200 per application, per academic year.  This is the maximum we can award taking into account all sources of funding.
Is the application open during the summer?  No, the application is only open each academic year.
Can student groups apply for this grant too? Yes!  Both individuals and groups of students are invited to apply.  
How long does the application take to complete? The application takes 10-20 minutes to complete.
How do I get the money if I am approved for the grant? Students are typically asked to make purchases with their own funds upfront and are reimbursed afterwards.  If this is not possible, we can discuss alternative solutions.  Students with questions about this should reach out to Sharon Kenny at
Can I still apply for a grant if the way I plan to use it does not align with any of the examples provided? Absolutely!  This grant is meant to be versatile and used by any student who is interested in furthering their career, civic engagement, and or leadership goals.  If you think the grant can help you, please apply.
Can I receive more than one mini-grant? Yes, but you can only receive one mini-grant per academic year.
What are my chances of receiving a mini-grant? Nearly all applications for mini-grants that are complete and meet the criteria are accepted.
Why does it say that grants are awarded on a first come, first serve basis? There is an annual budget set for mini-grants.  If we received so many grants that the budget for the year was exceeded, then we would need to close the application.  This has not happened since we started awarding mini-grants.
When will I hear back from the Center about whether I have received funding? Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis as they are submitted. You will typically hear back within 1-3 weeks.  
Who is the Civic Engagement Grant meant to support? The Civic Engagement grant is designed for students who require funding to further their Civic Engagement goals.  For example, this could look like, but is not limited to, paying for a guest speaker on campus or supplies for a service project.  The grant is also a useful jumping-off point for starting student groups or creating events. Any student who requires funding for a project/travel expenses related to Civic Engagement is welcome to apply.
Who is the Career Engagement grant meant to support? The Career Engagement grant is intended for students who require funding to further their career goals.  This could look like, but is not limited to, using the grant money to attend a professional conference or to cover travel expenses for an interview.
Who is the Career & Civic Engagement grant meant to support? This grant is designed for students who require funding to further their leadership abilities and goals.  This could look like, but is not limited to, using the money to attend a leadership conference or paying for a guest speaker.
Who is the Career & Civic Engagement (Test Prep) Grant meant to support? Any student who needs funding for test preparation course and/or materials for graduate school and professional school exams is invited to apply for this grant.








Contact Us

The Career & Civic Engagement Center

Phone: 610-526-5174