Colloquia and Events
About the Colloquia
Since 1999, a weekly colloquium has featured presentations by scholars in various disciplines and other practitioners and theorists who work with visual images. The colloquium has featured presentations by scholars in Africana Studies, Biology, Archaeology, Gender and Sexuality Studies, History, History of Art, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, languages, and literatures.
The colloquium also features talks by artists, curators, filmmakers, and other practitioners and theorists who work with visual images.
In these varied presentations, speakers and audiences exchange perspectives on visual imagery's vital role in producing historical and contemporary forms of media and culture.

Contact Us
Center for Visual Culture
Lisa Kolonay
Academic Administrative Assistant, Center for Visual Culture, Institut d'Avignon and Office of the Provost
Phone: 610-526-5984
Old Library 154
Bryn Mawr College