Using Photos
All photos used on must be owned by Bryn Mawr College or in the public domain, sized and formatted for the web, and must meet accessibility guidelines.
What Images Can I Use on
In general, use of photos or images found via Google search, from news websites, or otherwise downloaded or copied from the web is prohibited by copyright law and by College policies, unless the image is royalty free or used under a license such as Creative Commons.
Bryn Mawr Communications has photos available for use via SmugMug. Contact Communications if you are looking for a specific image or for guidance on image use, or to request a photographer.
The College's Web Site Policy and Copyright Policy provide guidance regarding use of copyrighted works.
Photo resources (note that restrictions or license parameters may apply):
- Public Domain section of Creative Commons
- Pixabay
If you are looking for stock images for your web section, contact College Communications. College Communications has an iStock account, a pay-as-you-go bank of high-quality images.
Sizing, Dimensions, and Format
The basics on how to use images:
- Images in Drupal
- Drupal: Website Image Size and Format Guide
- Photo sizing and dimensions cheat sheet
Accessible Complex Images (Graphics and Charts)
When using a graphic, chart, infographic, or other complex image that contains detailed information, alt text should be used. In addition, if that information is not completely conveyed in alt text (see below), the information must also be included in text either on the page or elsewhere on the site. This Admissions infographic is such an example.
Also, complex images containing a lot of information should be avoided in carousels with multiple images when possible, because of the limited time the user has to view the image before it rotates.
Alt Text
Alternative text accompanying an image helps provide information for users who need screen readers because of visual or cognitive disabilities. It's a crucially important component of web accessibility.

Contact Us
College Communications
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Ave.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-6520
Fax: 610-526-6525
Package Delivery
Dolwen House
221 N. Roberts Road
Bryn Mawr, PA