Margaret Strair

Lecturer in German and German Studies
Margaret Strair headshot


Phone 610-526-5493
Location Old Library 139



Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Areas of Focus

18th and 19th-century German literature and philosophy, visual and scientific culture, foreign language pedagogy


Margaret Strair is a Visiting Assistant Professor of German at Bryn Mawr College. She received her PhD in 2022 from the University of Pennsylvania with a dissertation on synesthesia and intermediality in the literature of German Romanticism, and certificates in Cinema/ Media Studies and College Teaching. Her research interests include the interarts, visual and scientific culture, German literature and philosophy in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as well as foreign language pedagogy. She is currently an assistant editor of the Goethe Lexicon of Philosophical ConceptsHer research has appeared or is forthcoming in Unterrichtspraxis, The Language Educator, and in edited volumes on anti-Idealism, German Romanticism, and New German Cinema. 
Since Fall 2019, she has been teaching in the Bi-Co, offering courses at all levels on language, literature and culture. In addition to Elementary and Intermediate German, recent and upcoming seminars include "Sinn und Wahnsinn: Literatur, Kunst und Medizin in der Literatur des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts," "Die Schatten der deutschen Romantik: Literatur und Wissenschaft," "Seeing and Being Seen: Vision and Visuality in the German Middle Ages," "Die Goethezeit/The Age of Goethe," "Advanced German: Literatur der Krisen," "Haunting Encounters: Ghosts in the 18th and 19th Century," and "Under Surveillance: Literature and Visual Culture from the Enlightenment to the Present."