Major and Minor in Education Studies
How to Declare a Major or Minor in Education Studies
When? Spring semester of your second year.
Note: Students planning to pursue a Major or Minor in Secondary Education with Teacher Certification are encouraged to meet with the Program Advisor, Margo Schall, early – during the first semester of your second year – to develop an initial course of study.
1) Meet with your Education Minor Advisor to discuss and map your course of study (see below for Advisor information).
2) Complete the Declaration of Major/Minor form (at HC) or a Work Plan form (at BMC). Include the education courses you have already taken and those you intend to take. This form can be submitted online, and will be sent to your advisor for review and approval.
i) Bryn Mawr
ii) Haverford
Once you submit your online form to the registrar, it will automatically be sent to your advisor for review and approval.
Education Department Advisors
Prospective Certification Track Minor and Major
- Margo Schall:
Prospective Educational Studies Minor and Major, by Last Name:
Students intending to Major or Minor in Education should:
1) Schedule an Advising Orientation Session with Margo during Office Hours (Thursdays 10-11am or by appointment). During this session, you will learn about pathways through the Education Department and begin to develop your course of study.
- Schedule an Advising Orientation Session:
2) Meet with your Education Department Advisor. After your Advising Orientation Session, you will hold all subsequent meetings with your Department Advisor. Note: Students planning to Major in Education are expected to bring a completed draft advising form and rationale to their Advising Session.
Department Advisors, by last name:
- Alison Cook-Sather: (A-F)
- Margo Schall: (G-J, and students completing Teacher Certification)
- Alice Lesnick: (K-O and U-Z)
- Maurice Rippel: (P-T)
For Spring 2024 Major and Minor Declaration, students seeking to declare can make an appointment with their advisor (listed above) anytime after their attendance at a either (1) an advising open studio hour (2) an information session, or (3) a meeting with Margo. The deadline to declare is April 15.
Other Education Department Resources
Frequently Requested Advising Documents
- Education Department Handbook (in-detail)
Post-Graduate Opportunities in Education
- FAQ: Bryn Mawr & Haverford's Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program
- Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree programs in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania
- RESOURCES: Education Programs, Fellowships, and Jobs
- RESOURCES: Teaching Opportunities in the Philadelphia Area

Contact Us
Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Program
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5010
Haverford College
Founders 028
370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA 19041-1392