SEPTA's Key Advantage UPass Program
A free public transportation pass to access Philly and surrounding counties for the academic year.
If you have questions about the Septa UPass Program, email septapass@brynmawr.edu.
About the Program
Bryn Mawr College’s participation in SEPTA’s Key Advantage UPass Program aligns with the College’s deep commitment to climate justice, sustainability, and a vibrant student experience that allows students to explore Philadelphia and all surrounding counties.
Your Key Card can be used anywhere on SEPTA’s network of subways, buses, trolleys, and regional rail lines during the fall and spring semesters — September through December and February through May. During those months, your pass will be valid at all times and on all services provided by SEPTA, with a 240-ride limit per month (8 rides per day). During off months — January, June, July, and August — your Key Card will still be active, but you will need to load your own funds if you wish to use it.
UPass is for full-time Bryn Mawr undergraduate students who are not on leave or studying abroad and for all graduate students who are neither in the registration category of continuing enrollment (CE) nor on leave. In the spirit of the Honor Code, students are asked to practice self-governance when using their Key Card, and will not share, transfer, or sell Key Cards.
How do I enroll in this program?
- Undergraduate students can pick up a card at the Campus Center during the below distribution times:
Sept. 3, 4 ,5, 9, 10 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Sept. 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Sept. 4, 5, 9, 10 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
GSSWSR students can pick up a card at the Dean’s Suite Sept. 10-11 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.GSAS students can pick up a card at the GSAS office Sep. 3-6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sept. 9-10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Each eligible student will be provided with one free Key Card.
- Register your new Key Card with SEPTA.
- After registering your card, you can enroll in the Key Advantage UPass Program. The enrollment process uses a platform called Jawnt. Eligible students will also receive an email with enrollment instructions directly from Jawnt. All cards activated in September will be active two business days following completion of enrollment.
If you already have a SEPTA Key Card, you can enroll your current Key Card into the Key Advantage UPass program. You will need to verify that your card does not have a negative balance as the Bryn Mawr pass cannot be loaded with a negative balance showing. Credit can be applied to a negative balance on the SEPTA Key site.
If you lose your Key Card, you should report it lost to SEPTA. Use septapass@brynmawr.edu to request a replacement card and the link to pay for the replacement card. The fee for the replacement card is $5.
In January, June, July, and August your Key Card itself will be valid, but to use it you will have to load your own funds, as the Key Card UPass Advantage Program is only active during the academic year (August through December and February through May). You will need to make sure that you do not go into a negative balance as the Bryn Mawr pass cannot be loaded with a negative balance showing. Credit can be applied to a negative balance on the SEPTA Key site.
Email septapass@brynmawr.edu with any questions about the program.
The SEPTA Trip Planner helps you plan your trips around the city and surrounding areas — just put in your starting point and destination. For trip inspiration, check out Campus Philly's Official Guide to Philly.
Bryn Mawr is a stop on SEPTA's regional rail system. Watch a quick, helpful video on how to ride the regional rail.
Make sure you download the SEPTA app on your phone.
Your SEPTA Key card gets you discounts on food, drink, museums, sports, shops, and more! Learn more about Perks!
Transportation Resources
Maps and Directions
Find GPS coordinates and directions by car and by other forms of transportation.