Education Syllabi
2024-25 Academic Year Education Courses
- Education 105: Education Studies: Theories, Practices & Possibilities (Fall 2024)
- Education 200: Community Learning Collaborative (Fall 2024)
- Education 210: Perspectives on Special Education (Fall 2024)
- Education 260: Reconceptualizing Power in Education (Spring 2025)
- Education 266: Geographies of School and Learning: Urban Education Reconsidered (Spring 2025)
- Education 275: Emergent Multilingual Learners (Fall 2024)
- Education 215: Democracy, Race, and American Education (Spring 2025)
- Education 290: Co-creation for Equity & Justice: Theory and Practice across Contexts (Spring 2025)
- Education 301: Curriculum and Pedagogy Seminar (Fall 2023)
- Education 302 & 303: Student Teaching Seminar and Student Teaching (Spring 2025)
- Education 308: Inquiries into Black Study, Language Justice, and Education (Fall 2023)
- Education 310: Making Space for Learning (Fall 2024)
- Education 311: Theories of Change (Spring 2025)
Other Courses offered by the Education Department
- Education 225: Empowering Learners (Spring 2024)
- Education 240: Qualitative Research (Fall 2023)
- Education 250: Literacies and Education: Joy, Power, and Education (offered Spring 2024)
- Education 282: Teaching for Revolution (part of the 360°, Centering Critical Blackness) (offered Fall 2022)
- Education 295: Exploring and Enacting Transformation of Higher Education (Spring 2024)
- Education 302: Practice Teaching Seminar (Spring 2023)
- Education 310: Redefining Educational Practice (offered Fall 2022)

Contact Us
Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Program
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5010
Haverford College
Founders 028
370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA 19041-1392