Grants Awarded
We award 13 grants per year on average and typically have 20-30 open projects at any given time. The average project length is 10 months, but there is considerable variation -- from 1 month to multiple years. Similarly, the average award is $3800, but awards have ranged from a few hundred dollars to over $10,000, depending on length, complexity and number of people supported. Expand the links below for details.
Grants Awarded by Academic Year
- Leveraging VR to Study Memory and Deception
- Team: Anjali Thapar, Psychology; Aline Normoyle, Computer Science
- Learning from the Lived Experience of Students with Disabilities
- Team: Alison Cook-Sather, Education, Teaching and Learning Institute; Grace Cipressi, Assistive Technology Specialist, LITS; Katherine Lord, Graduate Student, GSSWSR, Focal Student 1; Judie Johnson, BMC '25, Video Creator 1; Esénia Bañuelos, BMC '26, Focal Student 2; Jacklyn Jiang, BMC '25, Video Creator 2
- HASTAC Scholars Participation
- Team: Stella Fritzell, Ph.D. Candidate in Greek, Latin, & Classical Studies; Alice McGrath, HASTAC advisor and Senior Digital Scholarship Specialist
- Digital Frequencies of Black and Indigenous Literatures
- Team: Juan Suárez Ontaneda, Spanish; Alice McGrath, Senior Digital Scholarship Specialist; Cameron Boucher, Educational and Scholarly Technology Assistant; Andrea Pinto, Digital Scholarship Project Assistant
- Qin Opera in China
- Team: Changchun Zhang, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Lecturer of Chinese on the Jye Chu Lectureship in Chinese Studies; Helena He '25, Digital Scholarship Project Assistant
- Racialized Media and Asian Americans’ Mental Health
- Team: Thomas Le, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Director of the Gender, Race, Oppression, and Wellbeing (GROW) Lab; Undergraduate research assistants of the GROW Lab
- Oral History of the New Urbanism
- Team: Jennifer Hurley, Visiting Assistant Professor, Growth and Structure of Cities; Students in City 350 in Spring 2024
- Gird-I Matrab Archaeological Project
- Team: Rocco Palermo, Archaeology, Project Director; Jeff Cumonow, Digital Scholarship Graduate Fellow; Alice McGrath, Senior Digital Scholarship Specialist; Sean Keenan, Educational Technology Specialist; Digital Scholarship Project Assistants
- Coerced Urbanism: Walled Labor and City-building in Xinjiang’s Tarim Basin
- Team: Lauren Restrepo, Growth and Structure of Cities
- Licensing Exam Study Sessions and Resources
- Team: Darryn Stewart, Digital Scholarship Graduate Assistant; Troy Edwards-Mouzon, Digital Scholarship Graduate Assistant; Tamarah Moss, Advisor and Session Leader; Marcy Nyachogo, Session Leader; Chris Boyland, Senior Educational Technology Specialist, LITS
- Arabic Films in Translation Spring 2024
- Team: Arleen Zimmerle, Humanities and Media Librarian, LITS; Angie Mohammad, Recent Graduate, Fall 2023; Manar Darwish, Arabic, MECANA
- Spanish Language Partnerships through
- Team: Inés Arribas, Senior Lecturer, Department of Spanish; Roberto Martínez-Bachrich, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish
- Critical Making, or Slow Scholarship in the Age of AI
- Team: Shiamin Kwa, Comparative Literature
- Digital Storytelling in Social Work Education
- Team: Rachel Speer, Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research; Mary Florence Sullivan, Center for Student Success and Social Sector Leadership; Chris Boyland, Senior Educational Technology Specialist, LITS
- Cities Datasets for CITY 201 & 217
- Team: Jennifer Hurley, Visiting Assistant Professor, Growth and Structure of Cities; Dirk Kinsey, Visiting Assistant Professor, Growth and Structure of Cities; Mac Sanders, Digital Scholarship Researcher
- Germantown YWCA: A Social History of a Building
- Team: Min Kyung Lee, Growth and Structure of Cities; Liv Raddatz, Praxis Program; Ann Doley, Friends for the Restoration of the Germantown YWCA Building; Alice McGrath, Senior Digital Scholarship Specialist, Director of the Digital Scholarship Summer Fellowship, LITS; Stella Fritzell, Digital Scholarship Graduate Assistant, Assistant Director of the Digital Scholarship Summer Fellowship; Sean Keenan, Educational Technology Specialist, Project Manager, LITS; Cameron Boucher, Educational and Scholarly Technology Assistant, Research Coordinator, Web Advisor, LITS; Digital Scholarship Summer Fellows Isbah Ameer '26, Emma Dermansky '27, Nada Elshafey '26, Anna Nguyen '25, and Fiona Shen '27
- Cataloging the Bryn Mawr Mineral Collection
- Team: Selby Hearth, Geology; Marianne Weldon, Special Collections; Carrie Robbins, Special Collections; Ileigh Duffy '26, Digital Scholarship Project Assistant
- Italian Outreach Program
- Team: Luca Zipoli, Assistant Professor, Transnational Italian Studies; Roberta Ricci, Professor, Transnational Italian Studies; Giulio Genovese, Visiting Assistant Professor, Transnational Italian Studies
- On dit quoi: Intermediate French Online Textbook
- Team: Julien Suaudeau, Senior Lecturer, French and Francophone Studies
- Thomas Jefferson University Late Antique Egyptian Textile Catalog
- Team: Alicia Walker; Marianne Weldon; Chloe Rimmerman
- A Case of Carceral Urbanism? Mapping the Growth and Changing Land
- Team: Lauren Restrepo, Assistant Professor, Growth and Structure of Cities
- Black Embodied Metadata and Portals to Liberation
- Team: Linda Caruso Haviland. Arts, Grants Office.
- HASTAC Scholars Participation
- Team: Stella Fritzell, Ph.D. Candidate in Greek, Latin, & Classical Studies
- Greek Drama / Black Lives
- Team: Catherine Conybeare, Classics, BMC; Catharine Slusar, Theater Program, BMC; Quinn Eli, Theater, CCP; Brian Seymour, Honors Program, CCP; Sarah Iepson, Honors Program, CCP; James Ijames, Theater, Villanova; Stella Fritzell, Classics, BMC, Project Manager; Digital Scholarship Graduate Assistant; Digital Scholarship Research Assistant
- Preserving Histories of Perry House, Cohort 4
- Team: Joi Dallas, Assistant Dean for Intercultural Engagement, Pensby Center, Project Co-Head; Allison Mills, College Archivist, LITS, Project Co-Head; Gabrielle Gary, Sr. Assoc Dir of Alumnae/i Engagement, Alum Relations and Development; Student researchers
- Voci: Corso elementare..., vol II
- Team: Daria Bozzato, Transnational Italian Studies, Leading Author; Chiara Benetollo, Transnational Italian Studies, Author; Ava Panetto, HC '23, Editor; Olivia Colace, BMC '25, Editor
- Built Environment Oral Histories
- Team: Min Kyung Lee, Growth and Structure of Cities; Liv Raddatz, Senior Associate Director of Praxis
- The Reactor Room: An Immersive Chornobyl Exhibition
- Team: José Vergara, Russian; Bronwen Densmore, Makerspace Coordinator, LITS; Alice McGrath, Senior Digital Scholarship Specialist, LITS; Hilde Nelson, Graduate student project manager; Sean Keenan, Educational Technology Specialist; 2023 Digital Scholarship Summer Fellows; Soaad Elbahwati and Cameron Boucher, Educational and Scholarly Technology Assistants
- Digitizing and Publishing Tarsus Negatives and Prints
- Team: Astrid Lindenlauf, Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology
- Digitization of the White Fathers' Archive, Rome
- Team: Alicia Walker, History of Art
- Motion capture cleanup and games development
- Team: Aline Normoyle, Computer Science; Neha Thuma, Digital Scholarship Project Assistant, HC '24
- R package for Bio data analysis with R
- Team: Barbara Bitarello, Biology
- Using digital museum collections for resurrection
- Team: Thomas Mozdzer, Biology
- A Case of Carceral Urbanism? Mapping the Growth and Changing Land Use of the XPCC
- Team: Lauren Restrepo, Assistant Professor, Growth and Structure of Cities, Project Director; Alice McGrath, Senior Digital Scholarship Specialist, Consultant and TLR Liaison; Undergraduate Digital Scholarship Project Assistants
- Russian through Cinema Website
- Team: Irina Walsh, Department of Russian, Bryn Mawr College
- Chinese Food in American Culture
- Team: Changchun Zhang, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Lecturer of Chinese on the Jye Chu Lectureship in Chinese Studies
- Encyclopedia of the Dog: Annotations to Sasha Sokolov's Between Dog and Wolf
- Team: José Vergara, Russian Department, Project Lead; Martina Napolitano, University of Udine, Editor & Annotation Co-Lead; Alice McGrath, Senior Digital Scholarship Specialist, Technical Lead; Andy Janco, Haverford Libraries, Consultant; Camilla MacKay, Mari Ocando Finol, Chris Boyland, LITS, Consultants; Cameron Boucher '23, Jackie Toben, Digital Scholarship Project Assistants
- Annotation Collaborators: Noemi Albanese, University of Rome; Peter Baumann, Swarthmore College; Stephen Dodson, Independent Translator/Editor; S.A. Karpukhin, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Sasha Sokolov, Author; Tim Langen, University of Missouri-Columbia
- Thomas Jefferson University Late Antique Egyptian Textile Catalog
- Team: Alicia Walker, HART; Marianne Weldon, LITS; Chloe Rimmerman, BMC '24
- Implementing VoiceThread as an additional digital learning tool
- Team: Justin Fugo, Philosophy (Faculty)
- Officially ‘Unofficial’: Demonstrating the Unofficial Nature of China’s State-led Boycotts through Machine Learning
- Team: Seung-Youn Oh, Political Science; Nicola McHugh (BMC undergrad '22); Enaas Sultan; Undergraduate Project Assistants
- OER Elementary Italian Textbook
- Team: Daria Bozzato, Bryn Mawr College, Department of Italian and Italian Studies, Project Leader; Chiara Benetollo, Bryn Mawr College, Department of Italian and Italian Studies; Mari Ocando Finol
- Global Bryn Mawr Undergraduate Funding Database
- Team: 2021 Digital Technology Interns; Jenny Spohrer, Consultant in Project Development; Sarah Theobald, Project Manager; Billie Jo Ember, Consultant in Project Development; Nell Anderson, Student Use Consultant; Tracy Webber, Student Use Consultant; Ellie Stanford, Resource Advisor
- Grants Funding Database
- Team: Vanessa Davies; 2021 Digital Technology Interns; Office of Sponsored Research
- Education, Technology, & Society
- Team: Chanelle Wilson, Bi-Co Education, Co-Instructor; Mercedes Davis, HC '20, Co-Instructor
- (Re)presenting equity and anti-racism resources for teaching and learning through TLI and related forums
- Team: Allison Cook-Sather; Maria Bohan, experienced TLI Student Consultant, Bryn Mawr College ‘21; Lauren Lattimore, experienced TLI Student Consultant, Bryn Mawr College ‘21; Elena Marcovici, experienced TLI Student Consultant, Haverford College ‘21
- Digital Mineral Collection Development
- Team: Selby Cull-Hearth; Student interns
- Preserving Histories of Perry House, Cohort 3
- Team: Joi Dallas, Res Life Coordinator, Res Life—project co-head; Vanessa Christman, Pensby—project co-head; Allison Mills, College Archivist, LITS; Gabrielle Gary, ARD; Student Researchers: Aaliyah Joseph ’22, Janina Calle ’21, Reece Carew-Lyons ’23, and Rihana Oumer ’21
- Preserving the History of Perry House
- Team: Joi Dallas, Residential Life Coordinator, Co-head; Allison Mills, College Archivist, LITS; Gabrielle Gary, Associate Director of Affinity Programs, ARD; Janina Calle, ’21, Digital Project Assistant; Aaliyah Joseph, ’22, Digital Project Assistant; Claudia Carew-Lyons, ’23, Digital Project Assistant; Rihana Oumer, ’21, Digital Project Assistant
- '24, '31 Students Study Race
- Team: Vanessa Davies, Provost’s Office, Project lead; Alice McGrath, Digital Scholarship Specialist, LITS, Technical Coordinator; Allison Mills, College Archivist, LITS, Consultant; Andrea Samz-Pustol, Ph.D. candidate in Archaeology, Digital Scholarship Graduate Assistant; Cindy Chea, ’22, Digital Scholarship Summer Fellow; Hilana El-Mekkoussi, ’21, Digital Scholarship Summer Fellow; Peyton Moriarty, ’21, Digital Scholarship Summer Fellow; Tino Nguruve, ’22, Digital Scholarship Summer Fellow; Elizabeth Zhao, ’22, Digital Scholarship Summer Fellow
- Investigating the Confluence of Embodied Learning and Technology: A Research and Curriculum Design
- Team: Alice Lesnick, Education Program, Bryn Mawr College, Faculty Co-Lead; Emile Sorger, Founder, Institute for the Art of Movement, Community Partner Co-Lead
- Book Traces at Bryn Mawr
- Team: Alice McGrath, Digital Scholarship Specialist, LITS, Project Director; Kristin Jensen, University of Virginia Library, Book Traces Project Co-Lead; Andy Stauffer, Professor of English, UVA, Book Traces project co-lead; Emily Elmore, ’20, Digital Scholarship Project Assistant; Catherine Lin, ’23, Digital Scholarship Project Assistant; Vy Pham, ’22, Digital Scholarship Project Assistant
- Building Digital Resources for the Revitalization of an Endangered Indigenous Language
- Team: Kate Riestenberg, Postdoctoral Fellow, Bryn Mawr College, Project Manager; Kevin Connelly, Language Revitalization Consultant, Onondaga Nation, Project Director; Andy Alm, Independent Online Communication Consultant, Mentor; Katherine Anderson, Swarthmore Linguistics/CS major, to assist programmers on XML parsing issue and other website tasks
- Digital Microscope for 205 Canaday Library
- Team: Marianne Weldon, Collections Manager, Special Collections, LITS; Eric Pumroy, Director of Special Collections, LITS; Carrie Robbins, Curator/Academic Liaison for Art & Artifacts, LITS; Marianne Hansen, Curator/Academic Liaison for Rare Books and Manuscripts, LITS
- Adding Subtitles to Arabic Films for Teaching
- Team: Manar Darwish, Arabic Program and MEST Program; Victoria Karasic, Educational Technology Specialist, LITS; Arleen Zimmerle, Research & Instruction Librarian, LITS; Menna Khaliel, ’22, Digital Project Assistant; Esther Kim, ‘22, Digital Project Assistant; Angie Mohammad, ’22, Digital Project Assistant
- Reimagining Sites of Energy Conflict in Germany
- Team: Carol Hager, Professor of Environmental Studies & Political Science on the Clowes Professorship in Science & Public Policy, Project director; Alice McGrath, Digital Scholarship Specialist, LITS; Emily Shein ’21, Digital Scholarship Project Assistant
- Coloring the Past: restoring color to ancient sculpture through projection mapping
- Team: Laura Surtees, Research and Instructional Services and Carpenter Library, LITS, Research Lead; Molly Kuchler, Graduate student in Classics, Tech Lead; Alice McGrath, Digital Scholarship Specialist, LITS, Consultant; Vimbai Mawoneke ’21, Undergraduate Research Assistant; Mira Yuan ’21, Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Diverse and Inclusive Graduate Social Work Education: A Primer for Teaching Research to Masters-Level Students
- Team: Tamarah Moss, Assistant Professor of Social Work; John Edwards, Bryn Mawr College GSSWSR, Graduate Student Research Intern; David Consiglio, Director of Assessment, Learning Spaces and Special Projects, LITS
- Preserving Histories of Perry House, Cohort 2
- Team: Joi Dallas, Residential Life Coordinator, Co-head; Allison Mills, College Archivist, LITS; Gabrielle Gary, Associate Director of Affinity Programs, ARD; Claudia Carew-Lyons, ’23, Digital Project Assistant; Rihana Oumer, ’21, Digital Project Assistant
- Internationalizing Language Instruction in Post-Colonial Education Work: Dagbani Language Curriculum and Repository Development
- Team: Alice Lesnick, Professor and Associate Dean for Global Engagement; Chanelle Wilson, Assistant Professor of Education; Sabea Evans, Africana Studies Program Assistant; LTT Fellows
- Bi-Annual Tech Workshops for GSSWSR Community
- Team: Susannah Sinclair, GSSWSR, Project Lead; Allie DiTucci, MSS Graduate Student Worker and Project Intern; Jennifer Spohrer, Director of Educational Technology Services, LITS
- Blended Learning in Graduate Social Work Writing Supports
- Team: Sarah Slates, Writing Coach, GSSWSR, Project Lead; Susannah Sinclair, CRM and Digital Communications, GSSWSR; Sara Miller, BMC Writing Center and GSSWSR Consultant; Student interns; Jennifer Spohrer, Director of Educational Technology Services, LITS
- Building Digital Resources for the Revitalization of an Endangered Indigenous Language
- Team: Kate Riestenberg, Bryn MawrPostdoctoral Fellow, Project Manager; Kevin Connelly, Language Revitalization Consultant, Project Director; Jonathan Washington, Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Swarthmore College, Student Mentor; Andy Alm, Independent Online Communication Consultant, Mentor; Jennifer Spohrer, Director of Educational Technology Services, LITS; Vinty Guo '20, Digital Technology Intern; Ruth Mullin '21, Digital Technology Intern; Rosie Arasa '22, Digital Technology Intern; Gemma Van Nice '22, Linguistics Intern; Vinny Ong '22, Linguistics Intern
- Development of an Online Database for the Bryn Mawr Rock and Mineral Collection
- Team: Selby Cull-Hearth, Associate Professor of Geology, Project Director; Cristian Clothier (HC '19), Digital Project Assistant; Carrie Robbins, Curator, LITS; Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management, LITS
- Digital Storytelling Facilitators' Intensive Training
- Team: Chris Boyland, Senior Educational Technology Specialist, LITS
- In Other Words: Bryn Mawr in Translation
- Team: Betty Litsinger, Instructor in English, Project Director; Millicent Auma '21, Digital Project Assistant; Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management, LITS
- Introducing Pix4D software to Biology 220
- Team: Thomas Mozdzer, Associate Professor of Biology
- Quartz lens for Multi-Band Imaging
- Team: Marianne Weldon, Collections Manager, Special Collections, LITS
- Re-Imagining Sites of Energy Conflict in Germany
- Team: Carol Hager, Professor of Environmental Studies and Political Science on the Clowes Professorship in Science and Public Policy, Project Director; Kevin Medansky (HC '19), Digital Project Assistant; Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management, LITS
- Reexcavating Carthage in Rome: The White Fathers’ Archive
- Team: Alicia Walker, Associate Professor of History of Art, Project Director; Nava Streiter, Graduate Student, History of Art; Cassandra Dixon '19, Digital Project Assistant; Becky Morawski '21, Digital Project Assistant; Hallie Novak '19, Digital Project Assistant; Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management, LITS
- Surface Encounters: Gareth Brookes Embroidery Workshop and Talk
- Team: Shiamin Kwa, Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and Comparative Literature; Alice McGrath, Digital Scholarship Specialist
- Augmented Reality Library Scavenger Hunt
- Team: Alex Pfundt, Research and Instruction Librarian/ Coordinator of Information Literacy, LITS; Arleen Zimmerle, Humanities and Media Librarian, LITS; Eun-Soo Jang '20, LITS Digital Curriculum Summer Intern; Romy Dangol '19, LITS Digital Curriculum Summer Intern
- Being There: Notation Systems in Theory and Practice
- Team: Shiamin Kwa, Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and Comparative Literature; Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management
- Blending ECONB253 Introduction to Econometrics
- Team: David Ross, Associate Professor of Economics; Melanie Bahti, Educational Technology Services, LITS; Romy Dagnol '19, LITS Digital Curriculum Summer Intern; Eunsoo Jiang '20, LITS Digital Curriculum Summer Intern
- Blending LILAC Summer Orientation 2018
- Team: Katie R. Krimmel, Associate Dean of the Leadership, Innovation and the Liberal Arts Center, LILAC; Jennifer Prudencio, Associate Director of Employer Relations and Internships, LILAC; Melanie Bahti, Educational Technology Assistant, LITS; Jennifer Spohrer, Director of Educational Technology Services, LITS
- Capacity-Building for Hybrid Curricular Offerings at the GSSWSR
- Team: Janet Shapiro, Dean of the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research, GSSWSR; Peggy Robinson, Director of the Center for Professional Development, GSSWSR; Susannah M Sinclair, Field Education Program Coordinator, GSSWSR; David Consiglio, Director of Assessment, Learning Spaces, and Special Projects, LITS
- Creating 3D Models of Greek Vases in Art and Artifact Collection
- Team: Astrid Lindenlauf, Associate Professor of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology; Jessica Goodman, Graduate Student, Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology; Matthew Jameson, Graduate Student, Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology; Marianne Weldon, Collections Manager, Special Collections, LITS
- Data Science with R: Development of R-Programming Teaching Resources
- Team: Anjali Thapar, Professor of Psychology; Emily Spiegel '18, Undergraduate Assistant; Riya Philip '20, Undergraduate Assistant
- Digital Projects for SOCLB102: Society, Culture and the Individual
- Team: Joanna Pinto-Coelho, Visiting Assistant Professor in Sociology; Yeidaly Mejia ('19), Undergraduate Assistant; Beth Seltzer, Educational Technology Specialist, LITS; Palak Bhandari, Educational Technology Assistant, LITS
- Digital Storytelling Facilitation Training
- Team: Christina Rose, Assistant Dean of the Undergraduate College; Jennifer L. Walters, Dean of the Undergraduate College; Shiamin Kwa, Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and Comparative Literature; Christine Boyland, Senior Educational Technology Specialist, LITS
- Digital Support for Real-World Engagement in Mathematics
- Team: Victor Donnay, Professor of Mathematics on the William R. Kenan, Jr. Chair; Tiana Evelyn '20, Undergraduate Assistant; Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management
- Encryption for Everyone: Training and Outreach for Data Security
- Team: Sofia Fenner, Assistant Professor of Political Science; Jennifer Spohrer, Director of Educational Technology Services, LITS; Leslie Goloh '19, LITS Information Security Summer Intern; Julie Gonzales '19, LITS Information Security Summer Intern
- A Global Classroom for Bryn Mawr College and Chilean Students
- Team: Carolina Hausmann-Stabile, Assistant Professor on the Alexandra Grange Hawkins Lectureship in Social Work, GSSWSR; Karina Zuchel, Psychologist and Chief Operational Officer, Fundación Tierra de Esperanza; Nelson Villagrán, Sociologist and Director of the Research Division, Fundación Tierra de Esperanza; Julie Riese '18, Graduate Assistant
- Living Campus
- Team: Cara Palladino, Director of Donor Relations and Stewardship; Dawn DiGiovanni, Associate Director of Facilities for Grounds; Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making & Digital Collections Management, LITS; Cara Navarro '20, Undergraduate Assistant; Lille van der Zanden '20, Undergraduate Assistant
- Remote Sensing in Ecology Teaching and Research
- Team: Thomas Mozdzer, Assistant Professor of Biology; Mozdzer Ecology Lab students
- Teaching Book History with Digital Tools
- Team: Jessica C. Linker, CLIR Humanities and Digital Scholarship Postdoctoral Fellow, LITS
- UV Photography Training
- Team: Marianne Weldon, Collections Manager, Special Collections, LITS
- Virtual is the New Real: Developing Critical Methods for VR
- Team: Homay King, Professor of History of Art and the Eugenia Chase Guild Chair in the Humanities; Shari Frilot, Chief Curator of Sundance New Frontier and Senior Programmer of Sundance Film Festival; Harlow Figa, Director of the Trico Film Festival; Palak Bhandari, Educational Technology Assistant, LITS
- Visual Topology: 3D Modeling of TLV Bronze Mirrors in Early China
- Team: Jie Shi, Assistant Professor of History of Art on the Jye Chu Lectureship in Chinese Studies; Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management; Jialu Guo '19, Undergraduate Research Assistant; Matthew Jameson, Graduate Student, Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology; Jessica Goodman, Graduate Student, Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology
- White Father’s Archive, Rome: Digital Competencies through Student Research Support
- Team: Alicia Walker, Associate Professor of History of Art on the Marie Neuberger Fund for the Study of Arts and Director of the Middle Eastern Studies Program and Director of the Center for Visual Culture; Alicia Peaker, Director of Digital Scholarship, Critical Making, and Digital Collections Management; Jenny Spohrer, Director of Educational Technology Services, LITS; Christine Atiyeh, Independent Scholar; Nava Streiter, Graduate Student, History of Art; Cassandra Dixon '19, Undergraduate Assistant; Cassidy Gruber Baruth '19, Undergraduate Assistant; Hallie Novak '19, Undergraduate Assistant; Kelly Potts, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania '18

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